Tattletail horror game base
Tattletail horror game base

You can find these megathreads, when available, at the top of the "hot" page! Please do not post about the topic outside of this specific thread.

tattletail horror game base

Please post all content that has a megathread within it, mainly videos. Doing it will definitely result in an instant permanent ban, though accidents are understood to happen and will be dealt with separately in those types of occasions.ġ3. NSFW artwork or images must be tagged with the NSFW feature and contain friendly, not-so-descriptive titles.ġ2. No low-effort meme posts, even if it's just a joke.ġ1. Do not reveal any information in the title, either. Posts, or fan-art, with tremendous amounts of low-effort will likely be removed.ħ. If you find it unruly, contact another administrator and we will work it out.Ħ. Something that blends Tattletail with another game could be fine, but posting something about an entirely different game with barely a mention of the source material may not really be needed.ĥ. Though you can post fan-art or any kind of fan-material, make sure it's related enough before posting. Try and keep your posts directly related to the game itself. If you are going to start an argument, please do so elsewhere.Ĥ. Please do not harass, bully, or target other users for any reason. If you post someone else's art, please credit them in the title of the post.ģ.

tattletail horror game base

We want to build a complete online forum that is true to the game and nothing more.Ģ.

#Tattletail horror game base mods

If something gets too overwhelming or overall useless, the mods will redirect the convo to something else or end it completely.

tattletail horror game base

Please read the rules before posting! Click the link for a separate post containing just the rules or keep reading.ġ. We now have an automated Twitter account! Click here to see new subreddit posts every thirty minutes! Check out our official subreddit Discord! Peep in and say hi ) *loss of eyeballs are not to be tied to Waygetter Electronics Inc. Tattletail is a short, narratively-driven horror game developed by Waygetter Electronics.įor more information about the game or developer, please visit one of the Steam pages linked above.

Tattletail horror game base